Search Current Members

Search Current Members

This search facility will allow you to do 4 things::

  • Find your nearest member that offers a particular service (for example, operates a DIY yard)
  • Find your nearest member by using the ‘search by location’
  • Search members by business type (e.g. equipment supplier)
  • View all members

To use the search function you require, simply click on the top menu & use the drop-down boxes to select the service you want. Results will be displayed alphabetically

  • Search By Service
  • Search By Business Type
  • Search By Location
  • View all


Specialist: - The recycler specialise in certain types of vehicle (e.g. a certain make/ model, 4x4, HGV etc.)
Parts stock online: - The recycler displays its parts stock on-line (even if you can't buy online)
E-bay shop: - The recycler has an Ebay shop for parts or vehicles
DIY pick-a-part: - The recycler allows customers to remove parts from vehicles themselves
Breaker stock online: - The recycler displays on its website a list of vehicles that are currently being ‘dismantled’ for spares parts (the vehicles cannot be purchased)
Repairable vehicle stock online: - The recycler displays on its website a list of repairable vehicles that are currently for sale
Salvage auction online: - The recycler participates in online salvage auctions (prior registration is required in order to bid)
Scrap Car Quote: - The recycler can give you an instant on-line quote for your car (your local vehicle recycler will probably also be able to give you a quote, but you will need to contact them directly)